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Podłoga Auchan Gdańsk (Źródło:


‘Original’ floor in some supermarket in Gdańsk…

20 March 2018 by Fox_Tomasz

Photo comes from the An art, or an unsuccessful attempt? The floor in one store in Gdańsk has become the object of jokes in the Internet. According to the project’s representatives, such an effect was planned and it is not a coincidence, but refers to the sea wave. “This layout of tiles was absolutely […]

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Forbo Marmoleum


Marmoleum Modular from Forbo – unique composition on the floor

Marmoleum Modular is a floor tile from Forbo, one of the leading flooring manufacturers in the world. It is a collection of natural tiles, in various colors and sizes. These features combined with high product quality allows you to get unique design on the floor. Over 100 composition combinations for creating your own personalized surface. […]

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Contact our specialists

Flooring Department:

Robert Lutomski
Adam Jankowski
Piotr Balcerzak

Technical consultancy:

Zenon Marcinowski

Tool Department; Logistics and administration

Katarzyna Lewandowska

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